路由# 321076470


投资变得简单:让机器人顾问1 选择你的投资并建立一个定制的投资组合.

让我们的机器人顾问帮助您 财务健康之旅

由嘉信理财机构智能投资组合平台提供支持®1, our 机器人顾问程序 takes the guesswork out of investing because it automatically invests for you. 通过选择 51只由专业人士挑选的低成本交易所交易基金(etf); the 无袖长衫顾问 will automatically build a diversified portfolio based on your needs and help keep you on the path of financial wellbeing. 无论你是刚开始工作, 需要为退休做准备, 或者为孩子的教育存钱, 为你的未来投资永远不会太晚.


  • 快速和容易的帐户设置
  • 用5000美元进行投资
  • 轻松转移和展期您的爱尔兰共和军和401(k)
  • 汽车matically creates a customized portfolio to align with your investment goals
  • 具有竞争力,管理费低
  • 查看平衡 Patelco在线
  • 提供技术支持
  • 消除了投资中的猜测和恐吓因素

我们支持你 一路走来的每一步

Patelco在您财务旅程的每个阶段为您提供支持, 我们让投资变得比以往任何时候都容易. 作为Patelco的会员,当你注册我们的机器人顾问计划时2,我们为你提供一些惊人的福利:


无袖长衫顾问集成了 Patelco在线, giving you a single dashboard to view balances and see information and activity on all of your accounts!


增加你的投资是轻而易举的事! Login to Schwab to transfer funds from your Patelco savings or checking account directly into your 无袖长衫顾问 account.


Patelco is committed to delivering a world-class investment experience to our members. 不确定机器人顾问是否适合你? 有投资方面的问题? Need a complimentary investment consultation with one of our CFS Financial Advisors3? 我们让与我们的团队取得联系变得很容易:


Our 机器人顾问程序 leverages Schwab’s 机构智能投资组合® to build a portfolio based on your unique financial goals. Patelco and Schwab share a mutual commitment to helping you thrive on your 财务健康之旅. 一旦你的无袖长衫顾问账户建立, 您的每月账单和账户服务将由嘉信理财提供. If you have servicing-related 无袖长衫顾问 account questions, please contact Schwab at 877.805.3399 或电邮至 digitalsupport@cusonet.com.



  • Complete a short questionnaire to establish your goals, risk tolerance, and timeline
  • 无袖长衫顾问 will do the investing for you by choosing from a diversified portfolio of professionally selected Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
  • 在嘉信理财上设置您的ACH付款信息. 您的无袖长衫顾问帐户将资助2-3个工作日

如果你在找一个聪明的, 有效的方法来建立和管理一个投资组合-退休, 教育, 一所房子, 或者更多—— 帕特尔科的机器人顾问计划可以帮助你实现这一目标.


退休之路需要仔细导航和规划. 你准备好了吗?? 现在就掌握自己的未来,让你的黄金岁月熠熠生辉!

    All roads lead to retirement and saving for this major life event starts as soon as you’re working. With tax incentives that we get from the IRS for saving for your own retirement, it’s easy. 也更便宜, if you invest in some solid stock funds and let the global economic growth build your assets over your lifetime. As people near retirement, they almost intuitively want to move to safe and conservative investments. 我明白了, 但我总是要提醒客户,在65岁的时候, 你可能离你的长期目标还有二三十年的距离.
    投资 in money market savings and CDs have never kept pace with inflation and 税. 事实上, 每20年一次, our money’s worth about half as much or has about half of the purchasing power. Luckily, there are products that offer principal protection and potential growth from market indexes.
    一个好的财务顾问可以帮助你投资, 积累, consolidate and eventually plan for the distribution of your retirement assets to you.


    机器人顾问使用算法为你选择投资, 然后密切监视, 调整, 自动重新平衡你的投资. 因为机器人顾问使用的人力比经纪公司少, 他们的收费通常较低, 需要较小的最低初始投资, 而且他们的投资选择也比较有限.
    理财顾问会就你的目标向你咨询, 创建一个定制的投资计划, 然后积极地为你管理投资. A financial advisor has access to more investment options compared to a robo advisor, 他们还经常为遗产规划提供指导, 税5,以及保险. Working with a financial advisor generally requires reserves and a higher minimum investment


    A robo advisor is ideal for someone who wants investment guidance for a lower fee. Robo advisors can put your money to work without your hands needing to be on the wheel. A robo advisor can save you from needing to sift through online investing advice and will ultimately save you time by managing your investments for you. A Robo advisor may also be good for someone who lacks the time or expertise to manage their finances, 但他想为未来积累财富.

    Our 无袖长衫顾问 leverages Schwab 机构智能投资组合® and is offered through our broker/dealer, CUSO金融服务, L.P. Patelco chose to work with Schwab to help deliver this service to our members because they are one of the largest and most-respected discount brokers in the US. If you have servicing questions about your 无袖长衫顾问 account, contact Schwab at 877.805.3399或发邮件至嘉信理财支持 digitalsupport@cusonet.com.

    如果你对无袖长衫顾问的工作方式有疑问, 或者你想知道无袖长衫顾问是否是你的正确投资选择:

    For servicing and 无袖长衫顾问 account questions, please contact Schwab at 877.805.3399或发邮件至嘉信理财支持 digitalsupport@cusonet.com.

    将资金转移到您的无袖长衫顾问帐户很容易. 只需登录您在嘉信理财的无袖长衫顾问帐户, then schedule a funds transfer from your Patelco savings or checking account directly into your 无袖长衫顾问 account.

    一般, 经纪账户允许你选择自己的股票和证券, 你的投资组合也有可能变得不平衡, 哪个会让你蒙受更大的损失.
    A robo advisor will diversify your portfolio through ETFs and indexed funds, 这样万一你损失了, 这并不重要. Thanks to rebalancing and tax-loss harvesting, you’ll also drop investments that aren我做得很好.


1 These materials have been independently produced by Patelco Financial Solutions, 透过中心提供, 它独立于, 与…没有任何关系, 嘉信理财绩效技术® (“SPT”),嘉信理财 & Co.公司. ("CS&”),或其任何附属公司(合称“嘉信理财”). 嘉信理财没有创造, 提供, 许可, 支持, 或者批准这些材料, 嘉信理财也没有独立核实其中的任何信息. 机构智能投资组合® is an automated investment management service for independent advisors and available exclusively through independent investment advisory firms like Patelco Financial Solutions, 不是施瓦布, 负责为你的课程提供建议吗, including recommending and selecting a portfolio appropriate for you and managing your portfolio on a discretionary basis. 您的投资组合将在CS的经纪账户中保存&Co. “机构智能投资组合”是嘉信理财的商标 & Co.公司.

2 要开始或了解更多信息,请访问我们的 机器人顾问程序. 您的投资组合将存在嘉信理财的经纪账户中 & Co.公司.

3 Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO金融服务, L.P. ("CFS"), a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, 难道不是信用合作社的担保或义务吗, 并可能涉及投资风险,包括可能损失本金. 投资代表须透过中心注册. The 信贷 Union has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and services available to credit union members.

4 CUSO金融服务, LP located at Patelco Financial Solutions is offering our 机器人顾问程序 as an innovative new way to invest through 嘉信理财绩效技术®. Our 机器人顾问程序 offers a diverse suite of portfolios using an automated management investment service that helps automatically rebalance your investments when needed.

5 中心不提供税务或法律意见. 有关此类指导,请咨询税务和/或法律顾问.

