路由# 321076470

Patelco 新闻


2023年税务信息- 加上独家TurboTax折扣

缴税时间到了,帕特尔科是来帮忙的. We’re making your tax documents available online, plus answering your most popular tax questions.

1099-INT语句将在1月31日前准备好, 2024 (or earlier if you get an email telling you that your tax documents are ready).

Only members who earned more than $10 in interest with Patelco during 2023 will receive a 1099-INT statement from Patelco for 2023. 提醒一下,Patelco的付款人ID号码是94-0755684.

如果您在2024年1月31日收到1099-INT报表,请登录 Patelco在线™ 点击或点击获得利息的账户. 选择 语句 & 文档 选项卡,然后在页面中间查找 税务报告 选项卡. (You will only receive a 1099-INT statement if you earned $10 or more in interest with Patelco during 2023.)

If you're looking for tax documents besides 1099-INT statements, check out our updated 税务时间常见问题.

作为Patelco会员,您将获得TurboTax -的独家折扣 现在就享受折扣.

For questions about everything from refund checks to direct deposit, refer to our updated 税务时间常见问题.

Notice of Vacancies and Election Procedures for the Election of Directors of 帕特尔科信用合作社


The number of vacancies and terms of office to be filled by election by the members of 帕特尔科信用合作社 are as follows: Three (3) Directors have terms expiring in April 2024. The expiration of a Director’s term creates a vacancy for which Patelco members may apply, 如Patelco章程所规定. 每位董事的任期为三(3)年. 三位董事中的两位, 现任任期到2024年4月, 是否寻求再连任三(3)年.


提名 for election to the board shall be made (1) by nomination by the 治理委员会 of 帕特尔科信用合作社, and (2) by members by means of petition signed by 100 members of 帕特尔科信用合作社; such petitions to be in a form approved by 帕特尔科信用合作社 and to have been signed by 帕特尔科信用合作社 members within eleven (11) months preceding the date of the meeting at which directors are to be elected. 候选人必须是信誉良好的Patelco会员. A petition nominating a member as a candidate to fill one of the vacancies must be accompanied by a statement attesting to the candidate’s willingness to serve if elected.

Persons interested in being nominated by the 治理委员会 are urged to submit a resume, 申请人认为相关的其他情况, 至管治委员会 2023年12月21日和2024年1月15日 地址如下:

都柏林,CA 94568


提名将于午夜截止 2024年2月16日. Petitions shall be delivered to the Secretary of the corporation by the date set for the close of nominations and petitions not so delivered will be invalid. 请愿书可以邮寄代替递送, 如果邮寄, the postmark date on the envelope shall determine the effective date of delivery of the petition(s) to the Secretary of the corporation.

Individuals nominated or not nominated by the 治理委员会 will be notified the week of 2024年1月22日,以便为请愿程序留出时间.

No nominations for the Board of Directors can be made after the close of nominations.


提名结束后, 如有多于一名候选人竞选任何空缺职位, the 信贷 Union shall mail to all members entitled to vote a notice of the date, 举行选举的会议时间和地点. The notice will be accompanied by a list of persons nominated for vacancies and the terms of office on the Board of Directors. 该名单应附有每一被提名人编写的声明, 篇幅不超过250字, setting forth the nominee’s qualifications and the reason for the nominee’s candidacy.

以便在邮件中包含声明, a nominee should submit the statement to the Secretary of the corporation by close of business 2024年2月16日, but in any case, not later than midnight, two business days before the mailing.




The Board of Directors will vote general proxies on all matters properly presented at the Annual Meeting, 包括董事选举.


8月1日, 2022年——全球冲突占据了本周的新闻, 包括对网络攻击的报道. 而帕特尔科并没有特别的威胁, we’re writing today to share how we protect your accounts – so you know your money and your information are safe and secure 24/7.


  • 我们的设备受到保护
    All the hardware our organization uses has best-in-class protection – from laptops to phones to data servers.
  • 我们的网络受到监控
    We protect our communications and data with next-generation security systems that monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic. 我们的防火墙由一家全球网络安全公司监控和管理, 我们的网络流量一天24小时都在分析威胁.
  • 我们团队的账户是安全的
    确保我们的团队成员能够访问我们的关键任务系统, Patelco uses a leading information security company with over 20 years of experience protecting financial institutions We further protect all our administrative accounts with multifactor authentication (MFA) — think of it like a vault requiring multiple keys to access. 以下是如何为你的网上银行账户设置同样的保护.
  • 我们已经制定了应对任何突发网络事件的计划
    We routinely test and refine our incident response plans so that we’re prepared in the event of anything unexpected.
  • 我们有你保护自己所需的知识
    一如既往地, you 太 play an important role in account security: by keeping your personal information private. 千万不要分享这5条信息 与任何与你联系的人联系——即使他们声称来自帕特尔科.

总裁兼首席执行官Erin Mendez加入Patelco董事会

9月13日, 2021 — Patelco President and CEO Erin Mendez has been appointed to the Patelco Board of Directors. Mendez will fill the term of former board member Emily Shubert through April 22, 2022. At that time, she will have the opportunity to be re-elected to serve a three-year term.

“Erin has been instrumental in Patelco's growth and transformation over the past eight years and we're extremely proud to welcome her to the board,彼得·哈内特说, 帕特尔科信用社董事会主席. “虽然CEO进入上市公司董事会是很常见的, 当然,在信用合作社中就不那么明显了. Appointing Erin is a recognition of her unwavering commitment to improving the financial health and well-being of more than 400,帕特尔科在北加州有000名会员. 这也是她治理的结果, 战略规划, 以及在信用合作社行业的领导地位.”


8月9日, 2021 — Our San Ramon Crow Canyon branch has closed and we are excited to announce that our San Ramon City Center branch is now open!

This new larger space located at 6000 Bollinger Canyon Rd offers parking available directly in front, 私人会员服务处, 免费开放的社区工作空间,包括免费wifi.

On behalf our San Ramon Valley team, we look forward to seeing you at our new location!

让你 见多识广,与时俱进

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随时了解Patelco信用合作社的最新动态, 在我们的分支机构, 在我们所服务的社区. 收藏此页,看看有什么新的, and follow our Social channels 太 – we’ll always have the most up-to-date information there, 太.

